Céréales dérivés

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Offre N°
Céréales dérivés
Riz, sarrazin, avoine, seigle, divers
Description : Organic Quinoa
Chenopodium Quinoa Willdenow

Quinoa is a good source of nutrients and contains high levels of proteins, rich in fiber and minerals; it has a high concentration of vitamins B, C and E.

White, Red,Black

Quinoa Grains
Pre-cooked Quinoa
Quinoa Powder
Quinoa Pop
Gelatinized Quinoa
Quinoa Flakes

3 kg - 25 Lb - 25 kg -50 kg Paper bag
1000 kg Big Bag
4 Oz- 8 Oz - 12 Oz

USDA and EU Organic certification.
Céréales dérivés
Céréales (blé, orge, maïs, épeautre)
Description : Vends 18 Q d'Avoine Albatros et 21 Q de Féverole certifiésBio en big bags.
Céréales dérivés
Céréales (blé, orge, maïs, épeautre)
Description : Wheat
Céréales dérivés
Céréales (blé, orge, maïs, épeautre)
Description : Wheat for production and consumption 353.798EUR / MT ORGANIC BIO ECO
Falling number / Hagberg Number - 220 seconds
Gluten content - 26%
Humidity - max. 14.5%
Total impurities content - max. 6.0%
Including useless impurities - max. 2.0%
These harmful pollutants (ergot) - max. 0.05%
Density - min. 72 kg / hl
Protein - min. 11.0%
The product is healthy, odor-free, free of live pests
Buckwheat raw for production and consumption 436.309EUR / MT ORGANIC BIO ECO
Protein - min. 13%
Humidity - max. 14%
Contamination - max. 6%
Mass of 1000 grains - min. 7g max. 35g
Rye for animal feed 230.876EUR / MT ORGANIC BIO ECO
Humidity - max. 14.5%
Total impurities content - max. 6.0%
Including useless impurities - max. 2.0%
These harmful pollutants (ergot) - max. 0.05%
Density - min. 68 kg / hl
The product is healthy, odor-free, free of live pests
Rye for production and consumption 268.631EUR / MT ORGANIC BIO ECO
Falling number / Hagberg Number 120 seconds
Humidity - max. 14.5%
Total impurities content - max. 6.0%
Including useless impurities - max. 2.0%
These harmful pollutants (ergot) - max. 0.05%
Density - min. 72 kg / hl
The product is healthy, odor-free, free of live pests
Corn for animal feed 329.823EUR / MT ORGANIC BIO ECO
Humidity - max. 14.5%
Total impurities content - max. 10.0%
Including broken grains - max. 8.0%
Impurities not useful - max. 2.0%
The product is healthy, with a specific odor, free of live pests, fungi and lichen
Barley for animal feed 287.450EUR / MT ORGANIC BIO ECO
Humidity - max. 14.5%
Total impurities content - max. 6.0%
Including useless impurities - max. 2.0%
These harmful pollutants (ergot) - max. 0.05%
Density - min. 62 kg / hl
The product is healthy, odor-free, free of live pests
Barley for brewing 311.043EUR / MT ORGANIC BIO ECO
Beer 10%
Humidity - max. 14.5%
Total impurities content - max. 6.0%
Including useless impurities - max. 2.0%
These harmful pollutants (ergot) - max. 0.05%
Density - min. 62 kg / hl
The product is healthy, odor-free, free of live pests
Triticale for animal feed 259.250EUR / MT ORGANIC BIO ECO
Humidity - max. 14.5%
Total impurities content - max. 6.0%
Including useless impurities - max. 2.0%
These harmful pollutants (ergot) - max. 0.05%
Density - min. 68 kg / hl
The product is healthy, odor-free, free of live pests
Oats for animal feed 254.548EUR / MT ORGANIC BIO ECO
Humidity - max. 14.5%
Total impurities content - max. 6.0%
Including useless impurities - max. 2.0%
These harmful pollutants (ergot) - max. 0.05%
Density - min. 48 kg / hl
The product is healthy, with a specific odor, free of pests
Oats for production and consumption 301.765EUR / MT ORGANIC BIO ECO
Humidity - max. 14.5%
Total impurities content - max. 6.0%
Including useless impurities - max. 2.0%
These harmful pollutants (ergot) - max. 0.05%
Density 52kg / hl
The product is healthy, with a specific odor, free of pests
Amaranthfor production and consumption ORGANIC BIO ECO
Humidity - max. 9%
Protein - 15-20%
Fat - 6% -7%
Total impurities content - max. 6.0%
The product is healthy, with a specific odor, free of pests
Lentils green for production and consumption ORGANIC BIO ECO
Humidity - max. 14%
Protein - min 9%
Total impurities content - max. 6.0%
The product is healthy, with a specific odor, free of pests
Potatoes variety : “Irga” ORGANIC BIO ECO 25 MT 399EUR / MT
Type B general-purpose
Color - creamy
Starch 9-13%
Dry mass 18-22%
Packaging - 15 kg bags

Potatoes variety : “Oberon” ORGANIC BIO ECO 25 MT 399EUR / MT
Type AA - salad
Color - cream yellow
Starch 10-14%
Dry mass -19-22%
Packaging - 15 kg bags
Céréales dérivés
Céréales (blé, orge, maïs, épeautre)
Céréales dérivés
Description : It is a great pleasure to introduce our company M/s.Saravana Agencies
We are based as Indian region doing export & import mostly in respect of ORGANIC AND DIETARY NUTRITION FOOD PRODUCTS on expanding our trade globally.

Please find enclosed herewith our attachment showing the area of interest ranging from Food Millets and Pulses.
Céréales dérivés
Riz, sarrazin, avoine, seigle, divers
Description : It is a great pleasure to introduce our company M/s.Saravana Agencies
We are based as Indian region doing export & import mostly in respect of ORGANIC AND DIETARY NUTRITION FOOD PRODUCTS on expanding our trade globally.

Please find enclosed herewith our attachment showing the area of interest ranging from Food Millets and Pulses.
Céréales dérivés
Description : It is a great pleasure to introduce our company M/s.Saravana Agencies
We are based as Indian region doing export & import mostly in respect of ORGANIC AND DIETARY NUTRITION FOOD PRODUCTS on expanding our trade globally.

Please find enclosed herewith our attachment showing the area of interest ranging from Food Millets and Pulses.
Céréales dérivés
Céréales (blé, orge, maïs, épeautre)
Description : It is a great pleasure to introduce our company M/s.Saravana Agencies
We are based as Indian region doing export & import mostly in respect of ORGANIC AND DIETARY NUTRITION FOOD PRODUCTS on expanding our trade globally.

Please find enclosed herewith our attachment showing the area of interest ranging from Food Millets and Pulses.
Céréales dérivés
Description : It is a great pleasure to introduce our company M/s.Saravana Agencies
We are based as Indian region doing export & import mostly in respect of ORGANIC AND DIETARY NUTRITION FOOD PRODUCTS on expanding our trade globally.

Please find enclosed herewith our attachment showing the area of interest ranging from Food Millets and Pulses.
Céréales dérivés
Veterinary And Foof Board
Riz, sarrazin, avoine, seigle, divers
Description : Feed and milling rye
Buck wheat
Milling oats
Céréales dérivés
Veterinary And Foof Board
Oléagineux, protéagineux (colza, tournesol, soja, sésame, pois, fèves)
Description : Rapseseed
Feed beans
Feed peas
Céréales dérivés
Veterinary And Foof Board
Céréales (blé, orge, maïs, épeautre)
Description : Feed and milling wheat
Céréales dérivés
Description : Flour from Durum wheat.
Céréales dérivés
Oléagineux, protéagineux (colza, tournesol, soja, sésame, pois, fèves)
Description : Nous encadrons les agriculteurs en Afrique pour améliorer la production du soja et nous cherchons des acheteurs dans le cadre d'un commerce équitable.
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Agence Bio



Inter Bio Bretagne
